Mattioli, Pietro Andrea (1501-1577); Kreutterbuch… … jetzt widerumb mit viel schönen neuwen Figuren auch nützlichen Artzeneyen und andern guten stücken zum andern mal auß sonderm fleiß gemehret und verfertigt durch Ioachimum Camerarium … Frankfurt am Main, Feyerabend, Fischer & Dack, 1590. Folio (1) leaf, colored title, (8) leaves, 458 of 460 leaves, (36) leaves of Register. Contemporary full calf binding.
Pietro Andrea Mattioli (1501-1577), a physician born in Siena and initially active in Italy, later at the Habsburg court in Prague, made a name for himself through the Italian and Latin translation and commentary of the most influential ancient pharmacology „Hýle iatrike“ (lat. „Materia medica“) of the military doctor Pedanios Dioskurides from Anazarbos in Asia Minor (1st century AD), whose oldest manuscript from 512 AD is also the first illustrated herbal book to have survived (now in the Austrian National Library in Vienna). The edition of Mattioli’s Dioscurides Commentary, which was translated into German by the Nuremberg city physician Joachim Camerarius the Younger and newly edited, and dedicated to the Saxon elector Christian I, is illustrated with more than 1,000 woodcuts, which were made, among other things, after drawings by the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) and which, in addition to the entire plant, often also show its leaves, seeds or fruits in enlarged form. – Nice copy of this early herbal book in contemporary coloring. – Previous owners stamp on the title sheet. Some waterstains on the beginning of the books. 4 leaves with owners stamp. Leaves 115, 116, 117 with spots (probably coffee). Leaves 382 and 383 are missing (added as a photo copy). (Sprache: Deutsch / German)
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Naturwissenschaften / Natural History, Botanik / Botany, Kräuterbücher – Phytotherapie – Phytopharmaka / Herbal books