Linda, Lucas de: Descriptio orbis & omnium ejus rerumpublicarum.

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Linda, Lucas de:  Descriptio orbis & omnium ejus rerumpublicarum. In qua praecipua omnium regnorum & rerumpublicarum. Ordine & methodice pertractantur quorum seriem versa oftendit pagina. Amsterdam, Jacob de Zetter, 1669. 8°. (16), 1156, (12) p. With engr. title by Johann de Meurs. Contemp. vellum.

Rare edition of 1669 of this very popular description of the world by L. de Linda (1625-1660). After it appeared first in 1655, it was soon re-published and also translated into German and Italian. Particularly in Italy it gained fame proofed by four editions published between 1656 and 1674. The text is largely taken from Pierre d’Avity’s „Les empires, royaumes, estats … et principautez du monde“, and the last chapter on „Indiae occidentalis“ is from Johann de Laet’s „Nieuwe wereld“. – Waterstained and soiled on margins at the beginning and the end, few quires lightly browned, short wormholes between p. 923 and 960 on head of inner margin (not affecting text), endpapers heavily soiled and stained. (Sprache: Lateinisch / Latin)

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